Thursday, October 16, 2008

How I Quit My Suckish Job

As you might have heard, Carly and Freddie counted up all the money I owed them -- a total of 526 bucks. That's a whole lotta money -- that I didn't have. So I had to get a job to pay them back. The only place that would actually hire me was this place called Chili My Bowl because of my extensive experience with eating chili. BUT WORKING WAS HORRIBLE. I couldn't watch TV, play on the internet, or EVEN eat the chili. But I still worked for a couple of days. Then, luckily some dude came in and handed me an envelope full of cash -- it was EXACTLY $526 -- what a lucky break!!! I quit in less than 30 seconds. I thought that I handled quitting my job very maturely... but after watching this video carefully... I think I might have been a little too excited. What do you think?

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