Monday, August 17, 2009

iCarly WITHOUT The Fun???

Recently many parents have been stopping me on the street complaining that their kids have been spending too much time on So, in order to help all the overprotective parents out there, here's what we're gonna do to make iCarly LESS fun:

1. Show LIVE footage of Lewbert tweezing his wart.
2. Do absolutely nothing but stare into the camera for ten minutes straight.
3. Make smell like rotten fish. Think we CAN'T do this? Think again!
4. Invite Nevel, Gibby, and Mandy over and ask them to discuss the health care issue in America.
5. Write all of our blogs in Korean.
6. Take down all of our fun games and only post educational ones like, "Name that Capital" and "Rock & Roll Algebra."
7. Give Sam's mom the passwords to so she can post all of her mug shots and bikini pics -- there's one pic that's actually BOTH!
8. Replace Sam with Andy McStein FOREVER!
9. Let Freddie's mom direct a series of webcasts called, "Why Won't Girls Date My Son?"
10. Change Random Dancing into Random Flossing.

Hey parents, sound good? Well, guess what? We're not gonna do any of these things! will REMAIN fun. In fact, we're gonna work extra hard to make it EVEN MORE FUN in the future! So... ha!

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