Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My NEW New Year's Resolutions

Hey y'all. Spencer here with the very first iCarly blog of 2010!

So yesterday I had no plans for New Year's Eve and I couldn't have been more excited!!! Carls was hanging out with Sam all day and I was free to just lay around and be totally lazy. I was relaxin’ on the couch, watching a little televised sports action, drinkin’ Wahoo Punch when I suddenly realized that I still hadn't finished my New Year’s Resolutions from last year!

Here's the 4 resolutions I made for 2009:

1. Lose 3 pounds.

2. Save money.

3. Do one nice thing for someone EVERY DAY.

4. Keep ALL my 2009 resolutions.

So, I decided to get up off the warm, comfy couch and just take care of all of my resolutions right then.

To tackle the first one (lose 3 pounds), I went to the gym, sat in the sauna, and sweated off 2 pounds! But I still had to lose one more pound so I just cut off a 1 pound chunk of my hair. Resolution #1: Check!

Then when I got back to the house, I gathered up all the stuff that I picked up at the junkyard and had a massive yard sale, made lots of money, and put it all in my piggy bank! Resolution #2: Check!

For resolution #3 (Do one nice thing for someone EVERY DAY of the year), I had to find AT LEAST 365 people to do something nice for. So I tweeted a message announcing that I will give every single person who came to my apartment complex at 4:40 PM a cheeseburger. Over 400 people came -- and I ended up spending more money than I had saved from the yard sale :( Resolution #3: Check!

This year I'm getting all of my resolutions over with on New Year's Day! Here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2010:

1. Grow my hair back out. ('Cause people LOVE my hair.)

2. Buy ALL my junkyard stuff back ('Cause it's all really cool and I miss it.).

3. Stop doing nice things for people. (Can you believe some guy gave his cheeseburger back to me and said he only liked cheddar cheese and the burger I gave him had American cheese on it!?!)


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