Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Christmas Gift

Yo, ho, ho! Happy Holidays! It's me, Carly :)

Okay, I love my brother and think he's great at many things. However, hiding Christmas presents isn't one of them. Every year Spencer "hides" my Christmas presents from me before he wraps them and puts them under the tree. But the problem is, he always puts them in the most obvious places and I end up finding them by accident. Like last year, he bought me a flamingo lawn decoration and hid it in my shower. Of course, I found it the very next morning. (BTW, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with a flamingo lawn decoration considering we don't have a lawn and I'm totally afraid of birds!)

This year, Spencer "hid" my gift under the kitchen sink. But then he asked me to take out the garbage -- which is located UNDER THE KITCHEN SINK! So I found my Christmas present already. And it's a nose-hair trimmer! Apparently Spencer thinks I have a nose hair problem! He should talk, Mr. Nasal Forest.

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