Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gibby with Ladies Stockings On His Head

Hey fellow weberinos. Spencer here.

It's pretty common knowledge that my sister's "eccentric" friend Gibby will do anything for 5 dollars. Like couple days ago our toilet backed up and I didn't have a plunger. But I did have five dollars... Let's just say if you meet Gibby this week, don't shake his hand.

So, last week we asked you, the iCarly fans, what you wanted to see Gibby do. And you chose: Make him wear women's stockings on his head. (BTW, Gibby had no idea we were doing any of this. Daring. We know.) Anyway, I just wanted to share how this conversation went today:

Me (Spencer): Hey Gibby, the fans want you to put a pair of women's stockings (or pantyhose as they're sometimes called) on your head.

Gibby: No. Not a chance. No way.

Me: What if I say I have 5 dollars with your name on it IF you do it?

Gibby: Does it really have my name on it?

Me: No, but it could be yours!

Gibby: Can the stockings be red fishnets?

Me: Yes

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